Light reflection - Adobe Photoshop tutorial
- Added: Aug 6th, 2006
- Level: Easy
- Author: Melfina
- Program version: 7.0
- Reads: 37,740
- Description: Spice your avatars with a realistic looking light reflection.
For this tutorial, you won't even need a gradient: all we will use are soft round brushes, which are already present in any Photoshop installation.
Step 1
Open your avatar or image.

Step 2
Take a 87 pixels soft round brush, take a bigger one if your image is bigger than an icon (100x100 pixels). Choose your desired color, it shouldn't be too dark or too light.

Create a new layer and take a dot or two where you want your light reflection to be.

Step 3
Change the layer's blending mode to Lighten. Duplicate the layer and set the layer blending mode to Screen. Duplicate the layer again and set the layer blending mode to Overlay.

Step 4
Now duplicate the layer again and set the layer's blending mode to Screen, this layer should be at the top of all layers. Take the dodge tool and select a 67 pixels soft round brush.

Step 5
Make one or two dots like you did before. We're done! now you may add brushes, text or anything else you want to your avatar.

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Tutorial © Melfina. Do not reproduce in any way without previous permission from the author.